Gyula Bodrogi-搜索结果

  • 时间 Idö van


    导演:Péter Gothár   编剧:Péter Esterházy, 彼得·哥萨

    主演:Márk Zala, 考蒂·拉扎尔, Gyula Bodrogi, Éva Ruttkai, 蒂伯·比奇凯伊

      Peter Gothar films give a sharp, uncensored view of the society. This film is no different. The plot is rather simple: a family goes to vacation with the usual stress. Then on the vacation the wife gets a strange kind of sickness and they go back to Budapest for a cure. While the wife is in the hospital, the husband visits his family. This is quite banal. However the scenario w...

  • 猫城 Macskafogó

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动画片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:Béla Ternovszky   编剧:羌瑟夫·耐普

    主演:Miklós Benedek, Gyula Bodrogi, Ilona Béres

      In the year 80 AMM (After Mickey Mouse) on planet X the crime-syndicated Cats try to erase the Mouse-population once and for all. A scientist of the mice, prof. Fushimishi seems to have found the weapon against the threat - so Intermouse calls it's best, but now retired agent - Nick Grabowsky - to get the plans. As a distraction for the Cats, they also send a second agent - Sea...

  • 幸运的丹尼尔 Szerencsés Dániel

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 惊悚片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:帕尔·山多尔   编剧:András Mezei, 约瑟夫·托特

    主演:彼得·鲁道夫, 桑德尔·泽绍特, Katalin Szerb, 玛丽·德勒契克, Dezsö Garas, András Kern, Ági Margitai, Tamás Major, Gyula Bodrogi

      In December 1956 there is a chaotic situation in Hungary. The revolution is put down by the Soviet army. People leave the country in large numbers for fear of revenge. A young soldier (György Angeli) who also took a part in the revolution, takes a train to Vienna together with his friend (Dániel Szerencsés). Written by Tamas Patrovics <>

  • 珠宝奇案 Csak semmi pánik...

    类型:喜剧片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:伊斯特万·布依托尔, Sándor Szönyi G.   编剧:István Bujtor

    主演:伊斯特万·布依托尔, András Kern, László Bánhidi, Gyula Bodrogi, 加博尔·康奇, József Székhelyi, Szilvia Sunyovszky,


  • 时光机器——莫哈奇之战 A mohácsi vész


    导演:米克洛什·扬索   编剧:费伦茨·格林瓦尔斯基, 盖维拉·赫尔纳迪, 米克洛什·扬索

    主演:佐尔丹·穆奇, 彼得·谢赖尔, Péter Halász, 拉约什·鲍拉诺维奇, Kata Bartsch, Gyula Bodrogi, Balázs Galkó, András Gondár

      Kapa and Pepe are running to Mohács with a time machine. They want to scare sultan Suleiman with tricks and magic and they are having him sign a paper that he had never been here. So the Hungarian empire grows big, people are talking Hungarian even in Afrika too. Everything can happen here? King Lajos's cut-off head is laughing in the face of Suleiman, there's no bigger power t...